
Whether you are a wanderer who loves vacationing in exotic places, a history enthusiast who takes delight in exploring archaeological sites and historical monuments or a food connoisseur who relishes the local cuisines of various countries, Cambodia has an abundance of experiences to indulge in.

Cambodia, officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the South-Eastern part of the Indo-China Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It shares its borders with Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. Cambodia is a beautiful country that will you stunned and in awe with its lush magnetic greenery, rich cultural heritage sites, breathtaking vistas and warm hospitality. A short trip to Cambodia will surely make you forget your city life as you will be captivated by the vibrancy of the traditional village life, the artistry of local craftsmen and the chirpiness of the local markets. Also, not to forget, you will be drawn towards the lip-smacking and delicious local food of Cambodia throughout your stay!

That’s not it. As Cambodia has something to offer to travellers of all sorts, this country is known for its temples. Cambodia's ancient and majestic temples have intricately carved temple walls, the beauty of which is a site to behold. Apart from this, there are multiple museums to visit and learn about the history of Cambodia. You can participate in the thrilling and exciting activities or discover the spectacular views of the dense forests, charming valleys and gorgeous wildlife.

Come immerse yourself in a never-like-before travel experience infused with the peacefulness and stillness of the countryside!

6 Nights 7 Days 14 Oct
Dates and Rates
date & duration price
  • Sorry no more departures available. You could get in touch with us at mailtrikon@gmail.com if you'd like to make a booking.
  • Itinerary

    Day 1: Flight to Cambodia

    • We will begin our trip by boarding a late night flight from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai, India, to Siem Reap International Airport, Cambodia.
    • The air distance from India to Cambodia is 7 hours and 45 minutes.

    Day 2: Welcome to Cambodia

    • Welcome to Siem Reap, the most cheerful city in Cambodia. This city is a popular tourist destination as it embraces travellers from across the globe. It is also known as the resort town of Cambodia.
    • After check in at our hotel in Siem Reap, we rest till lunch to overcome jet lag.
    • Post lunch, we will visit the Mekong. Mekong Delta is known as the “Floating Village”. It is an attractive spot for tourists as they will see hundreds of vendors and customers floating in their boats in the Mekong River while buying and selling agricultural and local produce.
    • In the evening, we will come back to the hotel in Siem Reap for dinner and an overnight stay.

    Day 3: UNESCO Heritage Site Visit

    • After a delicious breakfast at the hotel, we will spend the rest of the day exploring the globally recognised Angkor Wat.
    • Angkor Wat, which literally means “Temple City”, is the largest religious monument in the world. This temple was initially dedicated to Lord Vishnu and became a Buddhist temple by the end of the 12th Century. The beautiful and giant temple walls of Angkor Wat are intricately carved with depictions of mythological stories of Hinduism.
    • We will spend the entire day here, listening to the legendary stories of the temple from local guides.
    • Later, experience the nightlife of Cambodia with the Pub Street celebrations.

    Day 4: Sihanoukville

    • We will start the day by visiting various temples in Cambodia, such as Ta Prohm, Ta Keo, and Neak Pean.
    • Later we will also visit the Landmine Museum. The museum has 4 galleries of deactivated arms to shed light on the landmine curse on the country as well as the consequences of war.
    • In the evening, we will board an overnight bus for Sihanoukville. The distance from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville is about 7 hours by road.

    Day 5: Exploring Koh Rong

    • Sihanoukville is a coastal town in Cambodia and is known to house the most gorgeous beaches in Cambodia. Sihanoukville is known for its lively nightlife.
    • We will board a morning ferry from Sihanoukville to a nearby island – Koh Rong.
    • The serene beauty and blissful calmness of Koh Rong will sway you off your feet. White sand beaches, a tropical climate and clear ocean waters await you at Koh Rong.
    • We will indulge in water sports and adventure activities on the island.
    • Later in the night, we will also go for a Plankton Boat trip.
    • Overnight stay at Koh Rong.

    Day 6: Shopping Day

    • Wake up to the sweet sound of the breeze and gushing waters at Koh Rong Island. In the afternoon, we will board a ferry for Sihanoukville. After reaching Sihanoukville, we will board a bus to Phnom Penh.
    • In the evening, we will shop in the capital city of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. You can carry back souvenirs and local handicrafts from Cambodia to India.  

    Day 7: Back to India

    • We will visit the most notorious symbol of human cruelty – the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.
    • After the museum visit, we will board flights from Phnom Penh Airport to India in the afternoon.
    • Our adventurous trip comes to an end here with unforgettable memories!

    Trip Cost: 44,000

    Flight: 30k (expected)

    • You need to pay Rs.20,000 non-refundable advance for booking the trip. If you want us to book your flights, then it should be paid along with the trip advance.
    • Remaining amount (Rs.24,000) can be paid in INR at least one week before the trip.
    • Payment in INR will not be accepted in the last 7 days before the trip. You can pay in USD later.

    What is included in the tour

    •  E Visa
    •  Accommodation in recommended hostels/hotels only
    •  All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
    •  All transportation in Cambodia (intra city bus, tuktuk, ferry etc)
    •  Day trip to Angkor wat with guide
    •  Entry fees at Museum, Temples etc.
    •  Boat trip to Floating village
    •  Boat trip in Koh Rong

    What is NOT included in the tour

    • Flight and food at airport
    • Bottled water, drinks, etc
    • Any extra personal expenditure on food, cab or activities
    • Any rise in cost of travel, food, accommodation due to unforeseen incidents
    • Charges due to delay/cancellation of flights or Visa
    • Travel Insurance


    • Travel to a location which takes you closer to spirituality and nature’s beauty.
    • Meet the friendliest people in Cambodia, and understand their civilisation, history and traditional ways of doing business.
    • Get the experience of nightlife, water adventure and temple visits in one trip!
    • Relish delectable meals in the countryside amidst lush green landscapes.
    Things to carry
  • Appropriate clothing and footwear for all days and activities
  • Passport and photocopy of passport
  • Some cash in USD is recommended
  • Sun protection (umbrella, hat, sunscreen)